Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Moving Along: Part 1

I am very close to graduating high school. In one month and a day, I will be moving on to my summer, and to something that is far bigger than myself. I don't know what that something is, only that it has been there for a long time and has been looming closer and closer. I really don't know what I am going to do. And I know people tell me that it is okay to not know exactly what I want to do, or anything like that, but it is really scary. It is terrifying to see my high school classmates going to a certain college for a certain major, and I have no idea what I am going to do with my life. On top of all that, my family is moving back to Michigan after moving the Washington state five years ago. So, now that I have a college set up here in Washington, my parents are trying to move back to be by family. Bah. I'm ranting. Cut me some slack, it's my first post. 
Anyway, I'm an new adult with anxiety. I cheered in high school and I loved it. I have a boyfriend, he is lovely but a continuing mystery as I move right along with my life journey. I have one good friend and I love her. My religion is a big part of my life. If anyone sees this, know that I'm not mental, just a lost soul looking for her purpose. If you ever tune in to this blog, if I continue it, it will be mostly rants and ramblings. I'm just trying to find my way to happiness.

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